Time is a Rope

20˚18.603’ S, 2˚02.896’ W

The crew has been discussing time and how it changes when one is at sea. I think Dan has summed it up the best thus far: “We’re traveling through space, but not traveling through time.”

Indeed, time is completely different right now. It’s not so much that time has stopped; it’s more like we’ve been repeating the same 24 hours since the continent of Africa disappeared over the horizon some unknown number of days ago. If one strips away the clocks and calendars and computers and internet, the only natural indication that one day is different than the next is the moon changing shape each night.

Thinking back to our time on the dock in Cape Town, time was very linear. It was filled with the tension of all the work and planning and running around that was important to the success of the voyage. All that is done now. Our only deadline is the horizon and our only schedule is the sun and moon passing overhead.

What is sometimes tense and straight, and sometimes slack and coiled over and over on itself?

Time is a rope