Trusty Shellbacks

Just after midnight, Neptune appeared on Coda.

Neptune with his fearsome trident

The four slimy pollywogs onboard were each compelled to ask Neptune what it was that they must do to be allowed to cross the equator:

  • Auden had to take a bite of a biscuit from the emergency rations kit (which turned out to be pretty awful)
  • Dan had to remove a portion of body hair, as is customary for Brazilian men (who seem to remove all body hair)
  • Justin – who’s earned the nickname “bilge” for eating food of dubious quality – had to swallow a spoonful of duck fat
  • Brianna has become a scurvy dog, and had to eat half a lime

After each miserable wog had performed their designated task, Neptune opened a bottle of Brazilian champagne:

We then turned our attention to the nav station to watch the magical transition from ‘S’ to ‘N’ at 12:49 a.m.:

Everyone onboard is now officially a Trusty Shellback.