Coda's Coda

I’ve committed the cardinal sin for bloggers: failing to post regularly and frequently. My humble apologies to those that have been following along.

The crew of Coda has now each gone their separate ways, as have the family and friends that came to Grenada to celebrate the conclusion of the voyage. I have accepted an offer from Wes to stay with the boat for a few weeks while repairs, maintenance and deep cleaning are done in preparation for selling the boat. That of course is a bittersweet prospect, as I think it is fair to say that we all have an emotional attachment to Coda.

I think back to some of the nights when Coda was getting hit by waves and rumbling over the tops of swells while I lay in my bunk sleeping (or trying to anyway). It almost felt as though she was racing through the dark seeking out the challenges that the wind and sea were throwing at her, like a war horse or a UFC fighter. To let her sit idle and neglected in some marina or boatyard would be a fate worse than death for such a noble vessel, so even though it’s sad to have to say goodbye, I’ll do my best to ensure that Coda looks and feels her best for whatever quests and battles lie ahead.

I should have some time to catch up on posting about the final leg of our voyage, as well as a little deeper look into the lovely island of Grenada, so stay tuned…

A few color-coded items are all that remain of <i>Coda</i>'s Cape Town crew. From left to right: Justin, Brianna, Wes, Dan and Auden